Saturday, August 8, 2015

Trip Overview – I thought I would begin the blog by telling you a little about where we are going and with whom.

The program we have signed up for is with UW Steven Point Adventure Tours.  As part of their mission, the university offers adult adventure tours to interesting places.  The tours are led by faculty members and focus on nature, adventure, history and culture.  This is the perfect match for Julie and I.

The tour itinerary can be found in the attached document:

We will be visiting several national parks and participating in safaris.  We have been told that we will see the big five (black rhino, Cape buffalo, Elephant, Leopard, and Lion) in their natural setting.  Obviously, the only shooting will be with a camera.

We hope to have tours of both Johannesburg and Cape Town.  In preparation, we have read the Long Road to Freedom by Nelson Mandela and are fascinated to see the sites where this amazing piece of history occurred.  We will get to see the famed prison on Robben Island where Mr. Mandela and many famous world changing individuals were imprisoned.

Other activities planned are abseiling (rappelling), whale watching, canoeing and hopefully some interaction with the people of this diverse and marvelous country.

My lovely wife has graciously encouraged me to remain in the Cape Town adventure for an additional week beyond the 16 formal days of the tour.

Most of the 18 folks on the tour are from Central Wisconsin.  We are very fortunate that several friends who expressed an interest in the area have chosen to take the trip.  Hopefully you will see them in photos over the next couple of weeks.

So Saturday night we depart on an Emirates Air flight (Boeing 777) from Chicago to Dubai.  The initial leg of the flight is 13 hours.  After a 4 hour layover, we will depart for Johannesburg, arriving 8 hours later at 5:30 am on Monday.

I hope I have an internet connection and if you chose to follow along, some good photos and stories to share.

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