Saturday, August 22, 2015

Cape Town - Day One

We finally made it to our destination city of Cape Town.  If you look at the map, you will see it is on the area called the Eastern Cape.  Nestled at the foot of  Table Mountain (one of the 7 natural wonders of the world), everything the city it is spectacular, except perhaps it's troubled past and present.

Our first day began with a tour of Robben Island (where Nelson Mandela was incarcerated for 17 of his 27 years) and ended in an swatter village called a township.  It was a very sobering day, starting with the battle to end apartheid and ending with the human consequences of the aftermath.

I will post the pictures, with a quick explanation.  I did not photograph the informal township, but will try and add pictures from my fellow travelers if I can find them.  The images of the people of this very small shanty town of 2000 individuals (out of millions in a similar situation) are something I will never forget.

View of Table Mountain from Robben Island

Former political prisoner who led our tour

Lime quarry in which Nelson Mandela labored for 8 years

Mandela's cell

Unbelievable story of Mr. Mandela 

The gate in and eventually out of Robben Island.... Despite the sign, not a very welcoming place for the brave opponents of apartheid 

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